Friday, September 3, 2010

problems faced

Most of the people owning this phone face the same problems. Here's the list:
1. Difficulty in finding appropriate apps/games.
2. YouTube and Palringo not working.
3. Difficulty in installing apps/games.
4. After installing games and apps they do not rotate when qwerty is slided out. And a white keypad appears at     bottom of screen.
5. Trouble connecting with Wifi connection.

All these problem have simple solutions which i will explain over the next few days. Also i'll post links to popular games and apps


  1. Ninad, I have the Chinese version of this phone (GT-B5310U) and there's a bug in the World Clock widget:

    I set local time to Hong Kong (GMT+8h), and set the second clock to Los Angeles (GMT-8h, Daylight Savings Time on). Using the 24H time format (military time), everything works. However if I use the 12H time format that's standard in the US, then the widget shows the wrong AM/PM field for Los Angeles. It says AM when it should be PM, and vice-versa.

    I'm wondering if other non-Chinese Corby Pros (such as the B5310R) also have this bug?

    And if someone has a fix for this, I'd very much love to hear it.

  2. please tell me how i connect internet thruogh bluetooth from my GT-B5310

  3. And please help me for my another problem is this , when updated version od kies is being installed, my Corby pro unable connect to kies. Kies always show "please wait device being connected"

    loptop os = XP
    .net frame work 3.5 insatlled.

    Steps I taken
    1)Install .net 3.5 for XP
    3)restart the system

    I am really thank full for you if share me the solution,

  4. hi
    i have an corby pro(b5310) and i have some problem in running some java app...JAVA ERROR NO MEMORY AVAILABLE...this problem occurred when LG KE990 run this app even SonyErricson P1i with symbian os run much ram has corby pro?this app need 4MB memory to run...but b5310 can't run it :(
    is there any solution for it?

  5. im trying to connect my phone to wifi with adhoc and it keep saying connecting and after that disconnected, how to fix that ???

  6. sorry guys. was offline for a LOOOOOONG time.

  7. @Nishu. First install samsung kies. Make sure you tick the manual install instead of default and select internet icon. After installation is complete connect the phone to your PC via Kies. Open kies, let it detect your phone, then open the internet connector in kies. For the next step you must tell me your service provider, like idea, airtel, docomo etc

  8. @Nishu. for kies problem here are the steps. reinstall kies if possible(optional). Now open kies, on the extreme upper left corner of window click on "Kies" and then click on driver recovery. now connect your phone

  9. @amir you'll need to update your java version. there's a code for doing this. search the internet

  10. @romio466. details please. like os of PC running adhoc, whether its dynamic or static ip and dns.

  11. Trouble connecting with Wifi connection.
